Saturday, August 16, 2008


So this week was the festival here in Sandpoint which is a pretty big deal, we have lots of pretty well known people come. Last night Ziggy Marley, Bob Marley's son, was here playing. They do it at Memorial Field which is also where the football games are. There is a fence around the field but right behind it is a big grassy park where you can sit and listen if you don't want to pay for the really expensive tickets! And its also by the lake so people park their boats and listen to it from there. I kind of wanted to get tickets but they were sold out, and once we drove by and smelled the rediculously strong smell of weed I was kind of glad! But it was really cool to be able to be there, reggae isn't one of my favorite kinds of music but I enjoy listening to it :-)


Holbrook's said...

Wow there Hottie! that picture of you is awsome! did you finally cut your hair??? I LOVE it in that picture!!