Friday, August 15, 2008

Take 2!

Ok, because my wheels were too small and my tires too big i'm starting over! I'm selling both my four brand new tires and my four brand new wheels (See first post with picture :-)) And i'm getting 17" wheels and tires to go with them. I went to Les Schwab and used their virtual thing, which is really cool, to see what seventeens would look like and its really cool :-) Much better than what I have now. I don't want to pimp out my car so i'm trying to find wheels that won't do that. And i'm also trying to find cheap new ones and so there are limited options. But here's what I think i'm going to get for wheels

The bottom picture is the virtual machine at Les Schwab, it's not the same wheels that i'm getting but they are about the same color and they are the same size :-)