Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hermosilla Mexico
Posted by Valeri Finley at 11:38 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Found It!!
This is a routine from So You Think You Can Dance that I have been trying to find for weeks!! I love it! Mia Michaels did the choreography and she said it was what Tim Burtons wedding would be like, I love it! AND as most of you know, I love Tim Burton and he is making an Alice and Wonderland! I'm so excited!!
Posted by Valeri Finley at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Shawn Johnson and Nastia Liukin.....

LOVE Shawn! I think she is so cute! And I wanted her to get gold so bad!!!
Posted by Valeri Finley at 3:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Posted by Valeri Finley at 9:38 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Take 2!

The bottom picture is the virtual machine at Les Schwab, it's not the same wheels that i'm getting but they are about the same color and they are the same size :-)

Posted by Valeri Finley at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Some of my favorite things to eat :-)

This is an Ace of Cakes cake, I love their show and their cakes!! I have never had one of course but they look so good! I want them to make my wedding cake :-)

This is the hamburger quesadilla I was talking about in an earlier post, by far the best thing I have ever had at a resteraunt!!

And this delicious thing is the p'zone at pizza hut :-) Mmmm! You can have them make you one with just cheese and olives! Its soooo good! :-)
Posted by Valeri Finley at 3:25 PM 1 comments
Stupid, Stupid Day...
Today has been the stupidest day. I have been getting yelled at all day for nothing. Honestly, nothing. I do nothing wrong and still get the wrath of my co-workers and boss. I've cried half the blasted day, I now have a headache and i'm done with this dumb job. Advice for girls out there: Don't work with only guys! I thought it would be good for me because I usually don't get along with girls. But I guess that's why they say too much of something good is bad or however that goes. Ugh, so i'm trying to find a new job so that I can give my two week notice. And finding a job right now in Sandpoint is next to impossible. Grrrrr.... anyways. Hope you all are having a better week!!
Posted by Valeri Finley at 2:45 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Just an Update..
So i'm back at work this week...sadly. I really don't like working. But hey, I doubt anyone does right? So we've been watching the olympics every night, I love them!! They are so fun for me to watch. I catch myself on the edge of the couch squeeling at some times, for instance when Michael Phelps races haha :-) Yeah nothing too exciting happening right now.... i'm racking my brain :-) Umm... i'm reading Breaking Dawn for the 4th time... I know, pathetic. But I don't have anything else to read! So if you have suggestions let me know! :-) And I got my car all done and I ended up getting all four new tires but they were a size bigger. They still work but they are about two inches taller and it makes my car look really funny! I haven't gotten around to washing my car yet, or the wheels. So once I do that then i'll take pictures. Probably this week :-) Ok well I start work in 5 minutes! So i'll post later! Love you guys!
Posted by Valeri Finley at 7:48 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
My week...
It's been a fairly good week! I had this whole week off from work, I really needed it. Working with 9 guys and absoloutly no girls is really hard. It's really fun half the time but the other half I want to rip out my hair. So i've just been relaxing all week, sleeping and hanging out with friends. Yesterday I went school shopping with two of my friends in Spokane which was pretty fun. We went to applebees afterwards and I got the best thing! It was called a quessadilla burger or something and it was, well, what it says haha. A quessadilla with all the stuff in a hamburger but it was easy to eat and so much better than a regular hamburger! I even sacrificed the last half to bring home so my family could eat some. But they all passed so I ate it :-) Then last night we had a 'weenie roast' at our house. My Aunt Shawna and Uncle Hank were visiting with their kids from Redmond Oregon so they came over along with My Aunt Deno and Uncle Paul, and my Uncle Bill and my cousin Kyle and his wife Katie with their gorgeous baby girl :-) It was alot of fun. Hot though, especially by the fire! And then last night before I went to bed I put a note on the door for FedEx saying that they had my permission to leave any packages on the doorstep without a signature, because my wheels were coming today and I didn't know if I would be home to sign. So when I woke up at 10 I had a voice mail from the guy (I had left my #) saying that he was at our house but couldn't leave the wheels without a signature. So I called him back and he said he could meet me at my work. So he did, and my wheels are so cool! I love them :-) I'll probably get them on sometime this weekend and then i'll post pictures with them on my car :-) It might not though because Bob says I have to get two new wheels to put them on :-( So I might not be able to afford that right now. We'll see! Anyways, I better go do something! Val
Posted by Valeri Finley at 11:48 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Picture Wall....
Posted by Valeri Finley at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
New Wheels! :-)
I just got my car back from getting painted, it only cost $500! But the whole thing didn't get done, just parts that really needed it. So it looks pretty good. So good that I decided I needed new wheels :-) I didn't want to pimp it out haha, so hoepfully these won't look to weird! I took pictures of my car yesterday, so i'll post them soon!
Posted by Valeri Finley at 8:47 AM 0 comments