He loves me and tells me several times a day
He is very close to his family :-) and is a mama's boy!
He is very smart, especially about cars!
He's a handy man and can fix pretty much anything! He always figures it out.
His eyes are gorgeous!
His laugh.
He makes me feel like I can never be ugly!
He picks me up and carrys me up the stairs! :-)
He's always reaching for my hand to hold :-)
He loves the church.
He cries often :-) (he's going to kill me for that one...)
He is constantly singing love songs to me :-)
He's always finding songs that remind him of me (usually country ones)
He is always helping out everyone
He talks to my parents like they are his own
He loves kids and is amazing with them! Even babies!
He already is thinking about future kids.. the other day he told me he hopes the girls aren't TOO pretty cause he doesn't want to have to worry about them! :-)
He loves to just drive! Me too!
He watches chick flicks and doesn't complain :-)
We talk about everything and I love it :-)
He pays his tithing - and always rounds up
He reads the scriptures and prays every night! He reminds me to do the same :-)
He has been baptized for a year and already gives me advice about the church :-)
He goes home teaching and seems to like it!
He is honest.
He is kind.
He is caring.
He thinks positivly
He is smart with money
He has a plan
He can and will start up a conversation with anyone :-)
He's not afraid to stand up for himself or someone else
He's protective
He can make a bad day better just by hugging me
He listens to me
He is always trying to be better, which helps me be better
He buys me flowers all the time, and they come with love notes :-)
He makes me laugh
He's always showing up and surprising me :-) And its always when I need him
He makes me smile just by being near him
He's going to be an amazing Daddy
And most of all he makes me HAPPY!
There are so many other reasons! But these are the only ones I can think of right now!
sounds like an excellent catch!!!
Yep, he's pretty much the best guy a girl could ask for! Give him a big hug for me and tell him I say "Thanks for being so good to my lil sis!"
wow.... pretty much perfect.... where's the ring?? ;) I'm glad he is so good to you!
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