Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Eve/ New Years Day**

Ben and Derrick holding Cade :-)

Andrew :-)

Melenie holding Haddie and Cade :-)

Sam :-)


Cute :-)


Crazy hair! After I took this I showed it to her and Heidi said she walked away smoothing down her hair :-)

Michael playing with Samantha and Rad

Rad and Sam eating Jelly Bellys

Heidi, Cade, Sam, Shane, and Rad

Gangster Rad

Gangster Sam On New Years Day the guys had to shovel off the house roofs and the shed roof.

I don't know why shane is wearing his helmet....

That's Derrick snowboarding off the shed. It was only like 8 feet but that's still pretty high!

That's Ben sledding off.

Ben after landing head first! He had snow packed in his ear :-)

I think that's Mike rolling off the

And Shane jumping - sans helmet :-)

The boys dared Shane to run out to the end of the driveway and get the mail in just his boxers.

And of course he did it! :-)
Sam was coloring and decided she would like some makeup :-) But she looked like the Joker :-)


Pepper Lovin! said...

Thanks for telling me you had a blog! Where the heck have I been